Backseat Bonanza

Don't tell me what to do!

Your friend is giving you a ride to go get a burger, because you're hungry of course! But they are the most incompetent driver ever (at least in your eyes!) So you must do what any sensible person would do... backseat drive! 

Just let me drive!

Make sure you give the right directions to your helpless friend while trying to follow traffic laws and safe driving standards. If you are reckless, your friend will be engulfed in rage, making your backseat driving more difficult to understand.

Try to grab your burger as fast as you can!

Road Rage!

You will tell the driver what to do, however, your driver is particularly bad at paying attention to the road. Make sure to prevent them from running stop signs and traffic lights, or else their rage level will increase.  Telling them about turns only right before they have to make the turn will also increase rage. If you do it too late, the driver may even miss the turn! Increased rage will make it easier to go fast, but difficult to slow down. Increased rage will also add delay between passenger and driver communication.


 - Use the mouse to drag the backseat driver's commands!


Alex Short - Game Logic Programming
Rei - Title Screen Art & General Programming
Rishit Khare - UI Design & General Programming
Srini Sundararaman - Level Design & General Programming

Special thanks to Marco Pasqualis!

External Assets

Pixel art GUI art assets from:

Pixel art "Modern City" assets from:

Pixel art "RPG Townsfolk" asset from:

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